Residência Artistica | Alberto Novello | 03-08 de Junho de 2019

Em junho, o festival DME convida o cientista, compositor e artista multimédia Alberto Novello aka JesterN. O músico italiano ficará em residência artística no espaço Lisboa Incomum entre os dias 03 e 08 de junho onde realizará, no último dia, o workshop 'Digitally-Driven Analog Video Synthesis' e uma performance de Laser Drawing.

O workshop decorrerá no dia 08 de Junho em dois períodos: entre as 10h00-13h00 e entre as 14h30-17h30. Inscrição sujeita ao número de vagas disponíveis.
Valor da Inscrição: 30€

Os participantes devem trazer o seu computador pessoal com um software para áudio em tempo real [Max/MSP, Pure Data, SuperCollider, etc] e conhecimento básico sobre o mesmo.

O workshop será em Inglês.

Todas as inscrições devem ser feitas através do seguinte link até ao dia 2 de junho:

PERFORMANCE Alberto Novello/JesterN | 18h




Probably as a consequence of the renewed interest towards analog circuitry and modular synthesizers, in the last few years, analog video synthesis has become again increasingly popular in the community of electronic musicians and multimedia artists. To start experimenting with videos synthesis in a very intuitive way it is sufcient to possess a couple of oscillators and a cheap vectorial monitor, or modifed video game from the 80s.

Although analog signals might seem the perfect match to control analog video synthesis, the digital audio signals created by computers through sound cards present several advantages: one can control the precise synchronization across devices, for example the phase diference of two LFOs, or fne tune the harmonic ratios of few VCOs avoiding the progressive analog VCO drifing and internal noise. Modeling the desired mathematical formula frst in the digital world allows the user to better understand the underlying mathematical concepts of video synthesis, that in the analog practice are ofen only intuitively manipulated. Digital sketching is furthermore a convenient approach to cheaply explore aesthetic possibilities and to plan what analog modules one requires to achieve a specifc result for a live show.

The workshop will show possible hardware confgurations to setup a digitally-driven analog video-synthesis workstation, build several mathematical modules to achieve diferent aesthetic results (from Lissajous curves, to 3d modeling, writing and rastering video).
During the workshop we will discuss diferent solutions to building a live video show from a digital perspective that can be applied on a modifed Vectrex console as to a laser machine.



Duration: 2 hour introduction + 2 hour theory + 2 hour practice.

Hardware: Vectorial Monitors, MOTU soundcards or the DC coupled soundcards --> the venue & the artist will provide the hardware.

Sofware: Max/MSP, Pure Data, SuperCollider or any sofware for real time audio generation.

Competences: basic knowledge of the sofware of choice of each participant. --> The participants only need to bring their computers with the software installed.


Alberto Novello a.k.a. JesterN is an Italian scientist, composer, multimedia artist. His main artistic focus is directed towards the creation of probabilistic multi-media architectures, on the technological limit between instability and error, failure and expression. Lately he moved from digital systems to analog found or decontextualized electronic ensembles.
His works have been presented at Centre Pompidou in Paris, Amsterdam Dance Event, Venice Biennale, New York Computer Music Festival, Bozar Bruxelles, Rewire Festival Den Haag, Impuls Tanz Vienna, Dom Moskow, Seoul International Music Festival, Emu Fest Roma, Monaco Electroacoustique, Teater des Flors Barcelona, Serralves em Festa Porto, August Tanz Berlin, Champaign-Urbana University, Illinois, Sonic Circuits Washington, Centro Mexicano de Musica y Artes Sonoras, Ina Groupe de Recherches Sonores in Paris, Logos Foundation in Belgium, STEIM Amsterdam, IEM Graz, OMI New York, the Royal Conservatory of Den Haag, Conservatory of Padua, Rome and Turin. He’s been invited professor at the University of Sussex, Uk and Tallin, Estonia. He graduated in Nuclear Physics at the University of Trieste, completed the master “Art, Science and Technologies” with Jean Claude Risset and Claude Cadoz, he obtained a PhD degree at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven with Armin Kohlrausch and graduated in electroacoustic music composition at the Institute of Sonology, Royal Conservatory of Den Haag with Paul Berg, Joel Ryan, and Richard Barrett. In his works, he has assisted Alvin Lucier, David Behrman, Nicholas Collins and Trevor Wishart. In the years he also worked Philips Research, Eindhoven, and Auro Technologies Belgium creating sofware for their audio application.


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